On Father’s Day, Ayesha Curry shared heartwarming photos of Stephen Curry with his children, making fans’ hearts flutter. In these photos, Stephen Curry not only shows his role as a devoted father but also a great companion to his children.
Ayesha posted on Instagram candid and adorable moments, showing the deep connection between Stephen and his children. From the happy smiles of the children to the fun and sweet moments of the family, these photos prove that despite being busy with work and a stressful schedule, Stephen always takes time to create memorable memories with his family.
Ayesha wrote: “Today is Father’s Day, and I just wanted to share with you the wonderful moments of Stephen with his children. He is the best father they could ever have. Thank you for always being supportive and loving. We are so lucky to have him in our lives!”
These images are not only a tribute to Stephen Curry but also a testament to their family’s love and bond, creating a happy and warm picture on this special day.